This 'set-point' would be affected by social factors, endocrine and metabolic, psychological, genetic, personal, from the regime of physical activity, and the development. The disorders of this regulation or the elevation of its level that controls metabolic responses, would lead to the accumulation fat, and then to 'increase of weight.
It is believed that every person has the physiological regulation ( set point) of body weight of mass fat of muscle mass and other variables related to these, a diencephalic center which modulates the basal metabolic rate, thermogenesis and a whole series of chemical reactions high-cost energy, every shift of weight from this level, involves the activation of a number of corrective mechanisms which tend to return to baseline. L ' obesity a multifactorial : the factors causing it are extremely varied: sometimes they act in isolation but more often in their competition is, in many individual cases it is difficult if not impossible, to identify the factors and mechanisms involved.