Orlando also had the greatest number of restaurants per 10,000 residents, followed by Atlanta, Miami, Las Vegas and St. 6, suggesting that thirsty travelers and overworked theme park employees share a common bond in booze. Orlando, meanwhile, was the first city outside the Rust Belt on the list at No. cities in September and October 2013 from its real-time business database, Data Axle, and it found that the Rust Belt cities typically house large breweries and have a wealth of bustling bars to prove it.
Infogroup pulled information on the number of bars in major U.S. That somewhat dubious honor belongs to a group of beer-guzzling Rust Belt cities, according to researchers at Infogroup Targeting Solutions, which gathers such data for sales and marketing companies. cities with the most bars per capita in 2013.
New York City may feel like it has a cocktail lounge on every corner, but it didn’t even crack the top 10 on a new list of U.S.